Music at Maxwell Street
Maxwell Street has a wide array of music opportunities and we’d love for you to be involved. Below you will see a list of a few different ways you can participate. There is something for everyone, so feel free to join us. If you have any questions or would like more information about anything related to choir and music please contact Ted Gentry–
— Weekly Music Schedule —
6:30pm – Chancel Choir (Teens and Adults)
7:30pm – Westminster Bells (Teens and Adults)
Children's Choir rehearses immediately after worship.
— Weekly Music Schedule —
6:30pm – Chancel Choir (Teens and Adults)
7:30pm – Westminster Bells (Teens and Adults)
Children's Choir rehearses immediately after worship.

Chancel Choir
It’s a new year! New singers are welcome, especially those with children who will be well cared for, during this rehearsal time. Plus all our great singers who have sung before are needed to help us all learn how to be a choir together. There’s always great joy in singing together!

Children’s Choir
(Practice Sundays, after worship). The Children’s Choir, for children ages 3 to 5th grade, rehearses on Sundays after worship. More information can be found about that on the Children's Ministry page.

Our bell choirs are directed by Ted Gentry. If you’re interested in learning to play or have played previously, give Ted a call (255-1074 ext 112) and he can give you more information. Westminster Bells and Canterbury Bells meet on Wednesdays. (school year)
Are you a talented musician? Would you enjoy using your gift(s) during worship? If you are an experienced musician and are interested in playing as a part of the worship service please contact Ted Gentry -, to see what opportunities might be available.

Rieger Organ (1963) with additions in 2010 and 2013

Historical article by Clif Cason, organist at Maxwell Street until August 24, 2014
Several years ago Norman Chrisman presented me with four folders of documents related to the purchase and installation of the Rieger organ. After perusing the papers I had a full blown headache. “Why the headache?” you might ask. It came about when I realized the immense challenges and complexities involved in getting the organ shipped from Austria and the different components of assembling it in the sanctuary.
One challenge before the organ arrived was the organ case. Because it was being built in Louisville and not by the organ builder, specific dimensions had to be met in order for the pipes to fit in the case. A second challenge was the chancel area which had to be totally rebuilt to house the new organ.
Several years ago Norman Chrisman presented me with four folders of documents related to the purchase and installation of the Rieger organ. After perusing the papers I had a full blown headache. “Why the headache?” you might ask. It came about when I realized the immense challenges and complexities involved in getting the organ shipped from Austria and the different components of assembling it in the sanctuary.
One challenge before the organ arrived was the organ case. Because it was being built in Louisville and not by the organ builder, specific dimensions had to be met in order for the pipes to fit in the case. A second challenge was the chancel area which had to be totally rebuilt to house the new organ.
Long-time member Norman Chrisman was the architect for the project and oversaw all the details through its completion. It was a monumental task in a time before emails, cell phones, FAX machines or the computer.
A more recent perusal of the organ documents led me to some interesting information about the organ pipes. For example, of the twenty-two stops (1) nineteen are made out of various metals such as brass, copper and tin. Only two stops are made of wood. They are the Holzgedeckt on the upper manual and the Subbass in the Pedal.
The current stop list for the Rieger is listed below.
A more recent perusal of the organ documents led me to some interesting information about the organ pipes. For example, of the twenty-two stops (1) nineteen are made out of various metals such as brass, copper and tin. Only two stops are made of wood. They are the Holzgedeckt on the upper manual and the Subbass in the Pedal.
The current stop list for the Rieger is listed below.
Hauptwerk (main division)
Principal 8’ (2)
Rohrflöte 8’
Octave 4’
Blockflöte 2’
Sesquialter II 2-2/3’ (3)
Mixtur V 1-1/3’
Rohrschalmei 16’ (4)
Trompete 8’
Principal 8’ (2)
Rohrflöte 8’
Octave 4’
Blockflöte 2’
Sesquialter II 2-2/3’ (3)
Mixtur V 1-1/3’
Rohrschalmei 16’ (4)
Trompete 8’
Oberwerk (secondary division)
Holzgedeckt 8’
Principal 4’
Koppelflöte 4’
Octave 2’
Quint 1-1/3’
Scharff IV 2/3’
Krummhorn 8’
Holzgedeckt 8’
Principal 4’
Koppelflöte 4’
Octave 2’
Quint 1-1/3’
Scharff IV 2/3’
Krummhorn 8’
Octavbass 8’
Subbass 8’
Gemshorn 4’
Rauschpfeiffe III 2’
Trompete 8’
Schalmei 4’
Couplers: OW/HW
Octavbass 8’
Subbass 8’
Gemshorn 4’
Rauschpfeiffe III 2’
Trompete 8’
Schalmei 4’
Couplers: OW/HW