Sunday School Lessons at Home

February 5, 2023

Talk About Jesus Heals

Bible Story:
Luke 4:38-40

Today the children made mini first aid kits for our neighbors who attend the Thursday night meals.

We continue with our Food Drive for Big Blue Pantry

Questions to talk about at home:
How do you think Peter felt when his mother-in-law became sick?
How do you think Peter’s mother-in-law felt when Jesus touched her and healed her?
What are some ways you can help people who are sick?

Say the Bible Verse together:
You are my Son, whom I dearly love.  (Luke 3:22)

Your child has also been working on signing the Bible verse.  Encourage your child to show it to you.

February 12, 2023

Jesus Calls the Four Fishermen

Bible Story:
Matthew 4:18-22

Questions to talk about the Bible Story at home: 
How do you think the fishermen felt when they left their boats and nets and followed Jesus?
What do you think following Jesus means?

Say the Bible Verse together:
“Come, Follow me” he said.  Matthew 4:19

February 19, 2023

Jesus Calls Levi

Bible story:
Luke 5:27-32

Question to help talk about the Bible Story at home: 
How do you think Levi felt when he left all the tax money and followed Jesus?
What do you think it means to change your heart?

Say the Bible verse together:
“Come, follow me.” He said  Matthew 4:19

Thank you, God, for your Son, Jesus, Amen

February 26, 2023

First Sunday in Lent

The children were given an Acts of Kindness chart with ideas and stickers. Encourage them to choose various “acts” to do for the week.

Go Two by Two

Bible Story: 
Mark 6:7-13

Questions to talk about today’s Bible story at home: 
Why do you think Jesus wanted his helpers to go out in pairs or two by two?

Say the Bible verse together:
“Come, follow me.” He said  Matthew 4:19
Encourage your child to sign the Bible verse with you.